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Pets Corner



A Pet’s Corner was set up in the 1960’s, comprising of a variety of birds, Highland Cattle, deer and numerous rabbits. Monkeys escaping from the ships in the docks were housed at the Park until they could be quarantined and the famous alligator arrived in 1977 and shared the same space as the snake. When the snake began to get fat, it was decided to let it out daily to exercise. Most people arriving at the office were surprised to see a 6ft python slithering across the floor to greet them, but not many stayed to say, ”Hello.”

The most popular animal over the years has been Winston the llama. He was donated to the park in 2005, because he could jump it’s fence at home and regularly went for walks and the police were getting tired of bringing him home. He was to be a companion for the park’s existing llama but when she died suddenly, Winston was left alone until the friends of Stewart Park bought a companion for him.

Following Askham Bryans College opening in the park, all of the animals are now looked after by their students and staff.​

Take the path to the left to go towards the Bolkow Centre. Askham Bryan College animal enclosure is to the left. Look for the next QR Code (QR 3) on a rubbish bin on the right.

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